Essential Question: How did I contribute to my school or community, and how does this relate to how I can contribute to PSEC?
My Contribution
I will contribute to PSEC as I contributed to my high school: by being and expressing who I am. At Truman High School, the primary activity was Socratic Seminars, which basically were discussions revolving around an essential question. Within these Socratic Seminars, I expressed my honest opinions, which manifested from a consciousness that often resides “outside of the box”, and I believe it helped other students consider and perceive subjects from a different angle. Humorously, while I was certainly influenced by the opinions of others, the student group often came to a consensus with my perspective.
I believe I also became a good role model at Truman High School simply by working hard. My work ethic, especially this past year, was truly disciplined. I feel my character often rubbed off on others, and thus inspired or motivated them to try harder in completing their work load.
A less direct benefit to my school involved my diet. Over the past few years, I have adopted great eating habits and I commonly ate lunch across the street from Truman at Marlene’s, an organic grocery and deli store. These eating habits often intrigued my fellow youthful peers; as a result, many became curious and tried it for themselves. After witnessing my incessant visits to Marlene’s, buying my delicious salad, even my teacher adopted the habit of going to Marlene’s. He told me I was beginning a healthy fad.
Generally, I’m a happy individual, and I usually have a positive effect on the morale or spirits of people surrounding me. Actually, my teacher complemented me one day, saying that my character contributes to the quality of the vibes of the class. Ultimately, I will contribute to PSEC by being myself, and I promise I will persevere in improving my character and habits.