Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Draft: Be Clear

My ideas and/or concepts are naturally philosophical. I was born with a philosophical innate mind. Somehow, I always manage to apply philosophy in answering any type of question, be it writing, plain thinking, art, Taijiquan, etc. Writing in a philosophical manner is being able to speak from within and express ones essence. Internal clarity is a necessity for this to occur.

The fundamental difference between philosophical writing and writing from the mind is made evident when, for example, explaining nature. When philosophically defining nature, I assume one would speak more of the innate virtues nature imbues them with, such as the purity of nature and how it manages to miraculously clear ones mind. When defining nature with the mind, I assume one would speak more of the physical perspectives of nature, such as the scientific components of it.

Within my philosophical writing I provide clarity of my essence. Everyone’s essence is what makes you, you. I feel I do connect clearly with the heart or within (internally or essence), and thus write from the heart or within instead from the physical intellect. The mechanics of this begins with a feeling manifesting within, (for instance, the heart) and the mind then interprets the meaning of this feeling and articulates it. As a result of writing in this way, ones essence (what makes you, you) is clearly expressed on paper. When the mind and heart are harmonious with each other, they become one. The clarity of this connection between mind and heart differs among everyone. Thus, the clarity of the connection between the mind and heart dictates how good the quality of ones philosophy is.

Writing doesn’t efficiently achieve internal clarity. In my perspective, meditation is most efficient for the purpose of achieving clarity between the heart and mind. Other methods could include taking a martial art, walking ones dog through the park, going camping in the mountains, etc.

One night, I conjured the concept that one doesn’t know if one is within a dream only until one is outside of the dream. To apply this concept to the macrocosm, I state that we are all dreaming and are unaware of it. Once we awaken from this dream, our consciousness will ascend to a much high level of understanding. This is to suggest that we know nothing, and if we realize we know nothing, we will become much wiser. To realize, to awaken, to truly know, is much more difficult to achieve than many think. This is philosophical writing. This is a sample of my essence.

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