Monday, December 8, 2008

Draft: Reflective Essay

This draft just includes the introduction.

Locating, analyzing, and synthesizing information into a cohesive whole was the most difficult process for me to achieve in this writing class. Although it is a pessimistic statement, and I always try to repeat affirmations, I know I have issues within this process. Numerous times, I have continued to reestablish a positive state of mind to attempt to this difficult, analytical process. But yet, I have continued to have issues, continued to be impeded by my own problematic tendencies, which have continued to stop me within my tracks as I begin to create some forward momentum. This writing class has made evident that this is my most prominent issue within writing. Thus, I contend, this writing class has helped me discover my own problematic tendencies as a writer.


Cole Veeder said...

You talk about how "synthesizing your information into a cohesive whole" was difficult. I'm not quite sure if your referring to 1) organizing your essay 2) the way in which you conveyed the information. Then you go on to say it is negative to say that you repeat what is correct, and that somehow it's a process. You could be talking about supporting your main point, you could be talking about something else entirely.

You blame yourself for the issue of "not repeating what is correct" and yet you gain momentum but stop yourself, with your problematic tendencies you have yet to share with the reader.

Although your using these words, i'm not sure your able to use them to tell the reader what your actual issues are.

Cole Veeder said...

it was good how you went in a direction that was to the point and didnt allow for too much speculation. You might want to tell more of your strengths, gives a better vibe.

evan said...

it definitely need some work

too short

need to talk about strengths and weaknesses

need to talk about the work you're including

remember this is an intro to the portfolio